What IS Important to Elementary Kids

The Daily Five Tip of the Week had a wonderful cover story this week. In it, Lori Sabo writes about the lasting impact Joan Moser had on a former first grader, recent high school graduate. In the end, the former student describes her current self through the books she loves.IMG_0190Beyond the well-deserved thanks that Joan received I think is a far more important message to all who work with elementary students. What matters to elementary kids, what they will take away, is a love of learning.Clearly, Joan's former student learned to love to read, not from the rigor of the Common Core (which was not part of our educational landscape 12 year ago), but through the nurturing environment created within the walls of the classroom. That environment included coaching this student through some reading challenges, instilling a sense of confidence and independence, and creating a safe and relaxing physical space to learn.Planning for the upcoming year will inevitably include achievement data and plans for improvement. And there will be pressure to meet incredibly (ridiculously) rigorous curricula. But, hopefully, it will also include some serious thought given to what's important - really important - to elementary students. A place and a space in which to learn to love learning.

Begin at the beginning

How do you define your classroom space?IMG_1255I like to call mine collaborative classroom design.  As a follower of Responsive Classroom, I know how important it is for students to feel ownership and have a voice in designing the space we share. When I walk into my classroom space for the first time after a summer break, I ask myself:

  • Is the classroom a reflection of me? Or will the students own the walls with their work on display and the tools or charts they need to use?
  • Is there visually too much? Has there been consideration given to create a visually calming space?
  • Are the supplies students use placed so they will be able to access them independently?
  • Is there a purposeful sense to the flow of traffic in the room?

Just four things to consider and yet, these four are so important! I want the IMG_1249students to feel that they have a shared responsibility for the room - for the upkeep, tidiness, and for the feel of the space. I want my students to know they can access needed supplies without asking me where something is all of the time! When it isn't working I find my kids may not tell me with words, but with their actions that something is working or not working. Believe me, when it isn't working, it is crystal clear!This week, I will begin to reset my classroom after its summer cleaning and spruce-up. As I set up for a new year of learning, I will keep my four considerations in mind and prepare to collaborate with my 24(ish) new best friends.IMG_1253

Begin.... at the beginning

It rained last Thursday. Which isn't really news-worthy unless you are a teacher with just a few weeks left of summer break.A rainy day is usually the impetus for me to start readying my classroom for the first day of school.  This year I am a bit more behind the eight ball than usual as I physically moved spaces. So lots of my stuff is not where I might have put it last spring.Here's what I walked in to:

_DSC0001Which, of course, isn't bad. Just not how I envisioned our classroom workspace.

Even in the new classroom, I will have a ceiling mounted projector, and therefore, the need to have the projector, Mobi teacher unit and document camera connected to wall drops just to the left out of the frame. Having several classroom work areas - a rug for large group gathering, desks for individual, and for technology viewing, places where smaller groups can work ... all are considerations.  As I don't sit at my desk during the school day, that item can be pushed out of the way. We have a somewhat large classroom library and many math manipulative materials that need to be accessed regularly.  It's a lot to consider when setting up space that feels uncluttered and open.

So with all of that in mind, I've sketched out the plan for our classroom space.

2013-08-11 18-31-16

Step 1: Breathe

In the upcoming school year, I will be changing grade levels and classrooms. Honestly, I am not sure which of those two is more scary - learning a new curriculum or moving my collected treasures.The move to a new classroom is at once exhilarating and deflating.  I do welcome the chance to vigorously downsize my collection of teaching materials. My new rule of thumb is "if you haven't used it in the last 2 years, reduce, reuse, recycle." Of course the corollary to that rule is "if you toss it out, you will immediately find it essential to a lesson as soon as the trash truck empties the dumpster."Still, I am finding I must be merciless in my assessment of each item's usefulness; hanging on to something I made 5 years ago just because it has an emotional investment just makes for more to move. And organize. Off and on, I've been moving since June 22nd, this activity is getting old.The moving should finish today. I have two more supply closets to transfer to my new classroom and a willing volunteer to help me.And maybe then I can breathe... a sigh of relief.

Do You Loop?

This week my principal approached me with an intriguing question - would you be willing to loop to fourth grade with your students?I needed a little time to think about that, but not for the reasons you might assume. My hesitation had nothing to do with a repeat year with my students, some of whom have been quite a challenge this year.You see, I've been in my classroom space for the past 6 years; the thought of moving (again) was just depressing. Imagine the amount of treasure I've saved in those closets "just in case". Secondly, not all of our classrooms have been equipped with the projection and MOBI technology that we have been using this year. Would my "new" space - because I would be trading classrooms with a colleague from Grade 4 -- have this technology installed?In the end, of course I said yes. The fourth grade teacher with whom I will share this adventure is similarly excited and we've already begun to meet to toss around ideas for making transitioning easy for both of us.I look at my students differently already. I know I get an opportunity to start a school year with them at an advantage: they already know me (and my limits) and I know them too.So while I needed a moment to consider this idea, I am excited to start planning and preparing for another year with the same students. And I am looking for advice from teachers who have done this. Do you loop?

The Grand Plan

I broke down today and started to work on a room arrangement.  I am planning on 24 kids - already have 23 on the roster - and have a contingency for a 25th.Here are some "before" shots from last June:Step one was to move shovemy desk out of the way. I have a large, desk with anequally large return; thankfully it is not attached! I have rotated the return around so that that kids have access to the knee hole. On top of this space I've put a 24-slot letter sorter we use for "mailboxes" and the shiny new iMac that actually runs the web-based programs our district subscribes to. I'm kind of happy with this arrangement already. The mailboxes are inside the classroom space now and not at the doorway causing a logjam. They are lower so the kids should be able to access them. And the computer is now easily accessed by students.I have an old(er) Dell laptop that I have replaced with a personal netbook. I willhopefully gain permission from the computer network gatekeepers to access the internet from within our school's firewall - which will allow me to do what I need to do assessment and data-wise, unplug the laptop and bring it home to continue my school tasks.  We'll see how long it takes to get all of that permitted.I've also flipped where the classroom library was located to the front of the room. My classroom is at a junction point for 2hallways - it is often noisy - which means it is distracting to put the reading conferencing space and/or student tables in that vicinity. I placed the shelves to create a kind of barrier which I hope will insulate us a bit from the hallway noise.  This is also where the gathering space is for whole group lessons.Finally, I've decided to group my students in 6's - not because that's such an ideal number for cooperative learning, but because there will be less real estate involved with the desks when we get down to 4 groupings.Now to work on the tossing; after sending out an all-school message, I got a taker for the table I wanted to get rid of. Next up is to get the TV cart moved in to storage and clear off the countertops. Once that is accomplished, I can bring in my plants and lamps -- and some other homey touches. I've even located some fire retardant valances on the web. Things are starting to come together.Yardsale anyone?

Classroom Reorg: Making Our Space Less Cluttered

I've been spending a bit of time thinking about what the physical atmosphere and arrangement of the classroom projects.  I am a packrat. There, I've said it. I saved egg cartons - must have had to toss about 50 of them when we moved 16 years ago - knowing in my teacher brain that I "might need these some day." Well, someday never came.As much as I would like to make the classroom into a homey place, I worry about the wisdom of bringing upholstered furnishings into a space and risk bedbugs or other interesting things. Fire inspectors tell us that only 50 percent of our wall surfaces (or is it 20?) can be covered - and nothing within X feet of a door. Sprucing up foggy plexiglass windows with a window valance is out of the question.Even so, there are things I can take control of. I have a concern that a cluttered classroom translates into a chaotic message for students who are easily distracted. I understand that there have been rules created to ensure teachers have equitable access to equipment -our Union book spells out some of this. But an overhead and extra cart in the room - I don't use this any longer as we recently obtained projection equipment - just takes up space.Here are some of the things I am considering:

  • Clear the countertops as much as possible. Use the surfaces for displaying special literature or projects.
  • Using the "return" on my desk for the students' mailbox center and for the newer computer. Where will all that "stuff" on the return go? I am rehabbing a 4-drawer file cabinet which I'd like to use to get stuff of the surface areas.
  • Get rid of the rectangular reading table. I have a round reading table that can be used for conferences or listening or what-have-you. I want to conference right at the student's desk or read in small groups in a rug area.
  • Put the television in storage. The cart it sits on must take up 6 square feet.
  • Throw, recycle, sell - get rid of any personal teaching material that doesn't support the current framework or hasn't been used in more than 2 years.

This year I will be sharing my space with at least one - possibly two - SpEd/ health paraprofessionals and some medical equipment for one of my new students. It is not only a nicety that the room becomes less cluttered, it is imperative. There may be decisions to be made about where adults put personal "stuff" and how much can or cannot be in the room. That will most likely not be met with enthusiasm.Time to roll up sleeves and get cracking.

Mindblowing Task of Setting Up a Classroom

I've been at this for 23 Fall startups now and I've yet to find the "perfect" room configuration.  Over time, I've managed to get the task of setting up - at least for Day 1 - down to a two-day affair, but it is not without angst.My students do not sit in rows - they never have. I've been an early adapter for collaborative or cooperative learning and have just never let go of those concepts.  This year I have 24 students on my (current) roster. That number will probably not be the final count of students. I currently have 5 groups of 5. While that's not an ideal configuration of students in a group, I dislike have so many clusters of desks around the room that the walking flow is impeded. Here is a wide shot of how the desks are arranged at present: The desks for the students are arranged in the front 2/3 of the classroom space. This year I have an ELMO and projection equipment to include for whole-group lessons or for sharing examples of student work.  The classroom already has a pull down screen at the front of the room over the white board.  Off to the side there are some shelves and cabinets for storage and a sink (big smile).At the rear of the room, opposite the white board, I have placed 5 2-shelf units that comprise the Leveled Library for the classroom.  There is a tack board above these shelves.  In this area, I have a large gathering rug, a sizable rolling easel,  and a rectangular table (doubling as extra small group instructional space and a listening center area).The alphabet chart is above this board. I generally have the students help decide where the wall displays are going, but in the case of the alphabet chart - a royal pain to hang on a good day - the decision is fait accompli. This year I am implementing the Literacy Cafe along with the Daily Five as a management tool. The Cafe strategy board is to the left of the image.  I'm still struggling with where to put a Choice chart for students.Another important area in the classroom is our Behavior Tracking area near the exit door.  This is a spot for students to monitor their behavior color and it is also where the daily schedule will be posted.  To the left of the behavior chart is a lunch choice board. Students are expected to make one of 4 lunch choices as they enter the classroom by placing a personal magnet under the choice for the day.  This choice board doubles as an attendance check-in for me.  If the meal magnet hasn't moved from the 'parking lot', then the student is absent - otherwise I get to choose lunch for them. Since I teach Third Grade, this routine is pretty reliably run by the students.I use magazine boxes to store students' reading materials. Those boxes are stored on the counter top between the classroom's windows. When it is time to begin reading activities, student retrieve the magazine box and keep it on the floor next to their desk or wherever else they may be working during Reading Workshop. So will this work? I sure hope so. I keep my requirements pretty simple:

  1. students need to have the ability to work in groups
  2. clutter, especially mine, is keep at a minimum - the space needs to be clean
  3. traffic flow is easy and everyone can be visually monitored

Now for the test: students arrive Tuesday and we will see how successful this room configuration is.

3 Days and Counting.....

Hours put in since the last post:  6+Yesterday I met with our Team's new Special Education Teacher, Melissa.  I don't know about Melissa, but I am definitely feeling the overwhelming panic that encompasses the start of a new year.  The weird dreams have already begun.  It will be good to get back to school and find out the students are NOT throwing spit balls around the room while I chase after them in my nighty :-)I wrote a sketch of what I hope to accomplish over the first 3 days of school.  Trying to find a balance between the procedures and routines I feel are necessary to creating a classroom community and some fun stuff so the kids don't feel overwhelmed is always a tightrope walk.  I like order; accepting that "things" won't be perfected (or as close as they'll get) until a good six weeks into the school year always gives me an uncomfortable feeling.slassoverviewI did change the desk arrangements around, partly to accomodate a student in a wheelchair and with a wheelchair accessible desk and partly because I just don't want to give up on cooperative groupings of 3 or 4 students.  I like grouping my students heterogeneously so that they can talk to each other when they are stuck, need help, don't remember what to do. As you can see from this shot, a large meeting area takes a good part of the classroom.  It's important to me to get down on the floor on the same level with the students and this is one way I achieve that.At this time, there are minimal supplies on the students' desks.  The empty red writing binder and 5 tab dividers, a word studydesktop test book, a spiral notebook used as a math journal, crayons and a bookmark.  Once my class list is fairly final -- on Monday during Staff Orientation -- I'll add a personalized materials.  Working in urban schools for the last 20+ years has taught me to be cautious about personalizing materials until the students actually arrive in the classroom.  Over the last week my class roster has fluctuated from 18 to 20 to 19 as students move around the district to another elementary school.  Students will continue to enroll in the District through the week after Labor Day as not all parents will be familiar with the early start date.Melissa and I read through the cumlative folders and IEPs of the incoming students.  It is good to think and plan ahead for these students: How can we adapt and change materials so that everyone feels successful? There are so many questions that need answers.As of today, the physical space is prepared. The first 3 days of plans have been sketched out, and I am as ready as I can be at the moment. Waiting for the first bell on Tuesday with lots of First Day Jitters.

Organization Day 3

Time 4.5 hoursAfter cleaning and arranging the large items in my classroom, it is time to start prepping for the students' arrival.  I purchased an additional 10 cardboard magazine files to be used as book boxes. That makes a total of 24.  I am prepping for 24 because that, in theory, is the maximum number of students that may fill the classroom -- however, there's always the possibility that more students arrive than anticipated.After assembling the magazine boxes, I used some large format Avery shipping labels and created book box labels.  I use numbers, not student names, to label the boxes.  The student will use their "number" as their address at the mailbox center and for the book boxes.  Finally, I placed a line of yellow painter's tape on the countertop so that the students can replace their book box on the counter at the end of the day without interfering with the countertop vents.Each book box has the bare bones of a Readers' Notebook and a baggie filled with essential reading supplies.  The baggie idea came about as a result of reading To Understand by Ellin Oliver Keene -- and it's one of those "why didn't I think of this long ago" moments.  Each baggie contains a pencil, a highlighter, and some sticky notes.  After I assess each student using the F&P Benchmarks, we will make a Reader's License and that will also be put in the bag for reference.  The Reader's License has the student's name, picture and a color dot corresponding to the student's independent reading level.  This has proved to be very helpful in reminding the student -- and me -- where the student will find books that are "just right".After seeing the Fountas/Pinnell Reader's Notebooks -- and calculating the cost -- I make my own version of a Reader's Notebook for my students.  I chose a red 1-inch flexible vinyl notebook (it bends and fits right in the magazine box) and have been able to recycle these notebooks now for the 3rd year.  Inside the notebook are 5 dividers labeled "Record & Goal" (daily reading record and a recording sheet of what the students & I agreed would be a next step), "Genres" (defined genres and a monthly tally of the genres student has read), "Interests" (books and genres that student would like to read at some point), "Responses" (weekly letters about how reading is going/teacher directed responses to a shared text), "Reference" (mini lesson reminders).  I have a different organization system for Literacy Circle materials and storage which uses a plastic see-through box.Once we have our Reading Workshop up and running, it is my expectation/hope that students will be able to take this book box with them to any corner of the room without scrambling to find all the necessary materials for 5 minutes.Next up, I needed to check to see that all the materials I need for starting school are available.  We have particular requirements for our academics:  a composition style notebook for recording Buddy Tests (Fountas & Pinnell, Word Study), a math journal (I use a spiral notebook and have students paste or copy a problem onto a blank page before solving), and a Writer's Binder.  Having worked in school districts where ordering and budgets are frequently challenging, I have been in the habit of replacing the essential school items with a portion of my previous year's classroom ordering budget.  Luckily, last year was no exception and I have all the essentials that are needed.  Our ordering for the current school year was delayed and, had I not stockpiled, it would be a bit less than organized for start up.Finally, I looked through the masters of essential printed materials that I use in the notebooks -- things like the students' reading record and the conferencing/goals forms.  I organized these items into folders so that, if copy assistance is offered, I can take advantage of it. These are mostly materials that will be introduced to the students during the first month of school as we build both the Reader's Notebook and the Writing Binder.On the way home I stopped in the office to get an updated roster.  Our class lists can be pretty fluid from June to September so expecting the unexpected is always a good idea.  However, I like to write to my incoming students about a week before school starts to welcome them to Grade 3 and, if nothing else, help them to remember their new teacher's name!  But my main goal in writing to the students is to begin the process of opening communication between home and school -- and this is the first step of many.  I keep my letter to the students brief -- welcome, a few hints of the exciting things we'll be doing in Grade 3, and a reminder about bus passes and dismissals on the first day.Feeling a little better about being ready for the First Day, next up will be some long-range planning with my new Special Education partner and some specific planning for the first week of school.  Lots to do!

Building A Mystery, Part 2

DUST!Time Spent: 4 hoursThis morning I loaded up the Jetta with our new shop vac -- more power! -- and began cleaning up the dust from the floor replacement.  Here's what was all over every surface, nook, and cranny of my classroom (even behind closed cupboards - this stuff goes everywhere).Cleanup meant first sucking all the dust with the shop vac and then wet mopping it with paper towels and cleaner -- sometimes twice.  It was nasty stuff.  The floor installers left some panels off and the floor vents took a major beating as well as one of the built in metal shelves.  That'll all need fixing by the pros.By the end of the four hours, The room was cleaned up and all the decorating that I plan to do completed.  We are a Responsive Classroom school and one of the things we do to build community is to decorate (reference charts, etc.) together.  The only exception I made for myself this year is the alphabet chart. Due to a shoulder injury, I didn't take that down -- but if the students have some preferred spot, I will and with help put it up according to the consensus.  So here are a couple of shots of the classroom configuration right now:Meeting Area Rug:  The classroom library and a large bulletin board abut this area.  I have put the easel at one corner (my coat cloMeeting Areaset and 2 storage closets are beyond that) and I keep the snapcubes for our math investigations in a crate under the easel.  Also against the wall I have shelves that hold supplies for Writing Workshop (editing/revising pencils, forms, paper, art supplies), a listening center CD player, and a crate of cushions and 2 large beanbags.Longer view of backHere's a second view from the front of the room.  My desk area, 2 clipboard crates, and my collections baskets are to the right.  The table barely visible in the foreground is a round table which I use for conducting small group reading or reading/writing conferences.My current thinking (I love that phrase!) is that I will have students keep all reading materials -- independentBinder boxesbook selections, reading binders and any small group materials in the recycled cardboard magazine files (why are the recycled? See the Leveled Library Organization Project) you see on the window shelf. I also will have students keep a reading supply bag in that box - highlighter, stickynotes (cutting a 1/2 pad of 3x2 notes should be enough), bookmark, pencil) - things that take time to locate when moving around the room for Reading Workshop.  We create our own Reading Binders using floppy vinyl (red) binders and dividers (more on that later); I'm proud that my students have been very conscientious about taking care of the binders and with one or two exceptions, these are the very same binders I purchased new three years ago.     Because there's a very important air flow vent built into the counter directly behind those boxes, I will lay masking tape to mark where the front of the box needs to line up.  The blue space behind those boxes is where we generally put a word/vocabulary wall.Front of Room The front of the room looks the most bare at the moment.  Usually on one end of the white board we record homework assignments and on the other we keep a magnetic chart tracking where students are in the writing process.  I also hang a daily poster of our Reading Workshop Schedule at the front of the room.  I do use an overhead a lot.  Storing it at the end of the second reading/conference table and rolling it into position works for me. I have a rack of frequently used materials (Venn diagrams, blank story maps) on this table so that students can take them independently.When I moved from the Bailey School to the Lincoln School I was excited because of the shelves!  The Lincoln was Sink areaconstructed one year after the Bailey and the architect apparently didn't think shelf units over the sink area would be all that useful.  Luckily, when the Lincoln was constructed a revision was made and the shelves are well used!  In fact, I wish there were more of them -- but then that would just encourage teachers like me to hold on to more STUFF.  I have a rolling "art cart" in which I keep a minimal amount of construction paper and lots of composition and math paper.  On top of that cart, I have a 24-section sorting file that is used as student mailboxes.Greatest Invention EVER This final shot is a closeup of the coat/storage closet area.  Over the first 2 doors are pocket folders from Really Good Stuff. The first one holds reading and spelling/Word Study materials so that the students can help themselves.  The second holds math game and other such materials for our math program (Investigations).  Door Number 3, however, is the prize winner.  One of my former colleagues, Patty Myers, shared how she kept the little "stuff" she always needed in a clear plastic over-the-door shoe hanger.  This has been the coolest tip ever!So now the room is clean, minimally set up, and ready for the first day.  Now all we need are the students!

Building A Mystery, Part 1

It's a good news/bad news thing.....At the end of the school year, there was a rumor that our ratty carpeting would be replaced by tile.  Good news: the carpetsNew Tilesare gone!  Bad news: the replacement required some serious sanding before the new tiles could be laid.  Everything in my classroom is covered with a fine, white dust.The new floor, however, looks outstanding.  No more wheezing - I hope!From the doorHere's what the classroom looked like after being packed away for the summer and after the custodians removed and replaced all the furniture - including my 5 bookcases full of classroom library books. I don't envy them having to do this each summer.Yesterday was spent surveying what needs to be done so the room can be put back in order before students arrive on September 1.  The dust is hopeless -- a wet towel just created cement and didn't really clean off the surfaces, so next trip back I'll bring my shop vac from home.  I did manage to wipe down my desk, replace my desktop shelf unit and wipe down the bookshelves.I had left a map of where I wanted furniture replaced after the summMore mess!er cleaning and Kevin, Delores and Mark did a great job of following my map!  I'm still playing with the desk arrangements; however.  I've always had students sit in cooperative groupings; the U-shape that I mapped just seems strange to me -- so I'll probably revisit the desk configurations.  And I will have a student with a motorized wheelchair so I need to rethink the room spacing to accommodate.I'm hoping 2 days will be enough time to get all the classroom layout completed, computers reconnected and dusting completed.