Poetry.... a little silly

We are beginning a new unit of study in English Language Arts this week - poetry! Going through this new unit I discovered a poem by Emily Dickenson - Autumn. And that reminded me of something Adrien shared with me long ago.You see, you can sing almost every Emily Dickenson poem to "The Yellow Rose of Texas". Try it. These folks did: Sing-a-Long-With-Emily. Still not a believer? Here's another:

"Hope" is the thing with feathers

254"Hope" is the thing with feathers—That perches in the soul—And sings the tune without the words—And never stops—at all—And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—And sore must be the storm—That could abash the little BirdThat kept so many warm—I've heard it in the chillest land—And on the strangest Sea—Yet, never, in Extremity,It asked a crumb—of Me.
Emily Dickinson
More serious analysts of literature will tell you that the meter of Dickenson's poetry is common meter - the same rhythmic pattern used in hymns. But for me, the Yellow Rose is indelibly etched into my head every time I try to read Dickenson. And now I dare you to get it out of your head as well.